Friday, January 18, 2013

Ciao e benvenuto! This is my first attempt at blogging so for those of you who choose to follow me while I travel to Italy for the next 4 months...bear with me! I decided that this would be the best way for me to document my trip not only for myself but for my family members who still haven't caved and given into the world of Facebook.
So, those of you who know me well, know that I love everything food (and wine) so that is what you can expect me to post about most. And since my last trip to Italy when I was Junior in high school involved some rather unappetizing hotel food (including some mystery meats), I am excited to do it right this time around. Of course, I won't be just eating so I'll be sure to post about all my other adventures, and knowing me, they will include plenty of drama. My parents say that drama just follows me wherever I let's see if they are right! I'm sure I'll have a good story or two for you so be sure to check in regularly! I'll try to post at least a few times a week...Now time to go do some more packing, this girl is going to Italy!!!

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