Friday, May 3, 2013

Munchin' in Munchen

Ciao! I cannot believe that all my travelling around Europe has come to an end:( We got back on Sunday from our last trip which was Munich Germany for Springfest! And thankfully it was the last bus trip I'll be on in awhile! We left Thursday night at around 7:30 and got to Munich at about 3:30 in the morning. We went straight to bed.

Friday, Day 1: We woke up early around 8:30 because we were supposed to do a bike tour of the city. However, there was some complications and somehow there weren't enough bikes for us to go so we ended up just wandering around the city of Munich for while and checking it out. It is actually such a pretty city. Everyone bikes, it's very green, and there are open markets everywhere! We got some coffee and then made our way to the beer tents. The only way to describe springfest is the Minnesota State Fair. Delicious fair food, carnival rides, and huge beer tents where 1 beer is 1liter! 1 beer was 10 euros and was equivalent to 4 beers so 2 beers in one day is all you need haha. Here are some pics from our first day:
Springfest Entrance!
Love us some beer!

Me with my huge beer!
Drinkin' my beer

Mikey with her beer
 That was pretty much all our Friday consisted of:
beer, sausage, pretzels, and chocolate covered bananas. Oh and then we had to ride a few rides too.

Day 2, Saturday: We were actually able to do the bike tour today which we were so happy about! We woke up around 9 and were on the bike tour by 1030. We got to bike for about an hour around Munich and then we stopped at the Beer Gardens which were in the middle of the park and you could get beer and food of course. Then we finished the bike tour and on our way back we stopped at this one bridge called surfer's bridge. People actually surf right under this bridge. It was so random but so cool! After the bike tour of course we hit the beer tents for round 2!
Church in Munich
Government Building

Surfers Bridge
Mikey and Colleen
Just making German friends!

Delia and I with our beers

Some more Cornell friends
Delia and I

 Day 3, Sunday: Before we left Munich at 3pm, we took a day trip to the Dachau Concentration camp. We took a train to Dachau and then took a bus to the camp. It was a very emotional and moving experience. We got to see where the barracks were and saw the crematorium as well. It was not easy to get through but we were really glad we did it. Then we went back to our hostel to get on our bus back to Florence.

I cannot believe that was our last trip! It was such a great and fun way to finish off my abroad experience. And now I have just a week left, with so much left to still do in Florence! It seems like just yesterday we arrived and had no clue what we were doing in a foreign country and now it has become my home:) We have planned out our last week in terms of what restaurants we are eating at each night, of course. I am getting more and more excited to come home, but I know it will be so sad when officially have to say bye to this amazing city:( But enough of that, it's not time yet!!! I will give you one last update before my journey ends. My friend Liza is visiting from Paris right now and it is Dana's 21st birthday tomorrow so there is still a lot more fun to be had!


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