Sunday, March 31, 2013

Buona Pasqua!!

So, just when I had accepted the fact that my family left Florence...I got to reunite with my mom and dad in Roma this weekend! I took the train in on Thursday all by myself and didn't even freak out too much! My friend Alex, who is studying in Rome, met me right at the train station so I had nothing to worry about:) Alex's mom was also visiting her in Rome for her spring break for the week so immediately Al and I walked to the church Santa Maria Maggiore where mass had just begun for Holy Thursday. I'm not sure who was the presider, but it was definitely some important bishops and cardinals because it was nearly a 2 hour mass! After the mass, there was a large procession throughout the church that was really moving and beautiful. What a way to be welcomed into Roma:)

Santa Maria Maggiore Holy Thursday Mass
After mass, we were hungry so we took the Metro (you have to take the metro to get almost everywhere in Rome) back to Al's apartment so I could put my stuff down. Then we went to this little neighborhood trattoria near her apartment where they know Al very well. We had a delicious antipasto of eggplant, zucchini, potatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, beans, and artichokes. For my meal, I had a chicken with a light olive sauce. Everything there was delicious and of course we finished off the meal with cantuccini with Limoncello. My parents had done a day trip to Pompeii today so we decided we would just all meet up the next morning at the Basilica of St. John Lateran, which is another church of the four patriarchal churches in Rome, including Santa Maria Maggiore. We met my parents there at 9am where we then walked around a bit inside the church. It was a beautiful church inside and so massive! One really cool thing in this church is that is has two statues of Saints Peter and Paul right above the altar. I was even able to go to confession today, which was an amazing experience. Right after that, we walked across the street to climb the Santa Scala steps. Nothing can really prepare you mentally or physically for this. There were 28 steps to climb up on your knees. These steps are the steps that Jesus had to climb in order to be crucified. It was very emotional and painful but what was really cool was that there a few spots on the steps that were covered with glass and apparently traces of Jesus' blood are still stained on the steps. I was very glad we did it in the end though, especially on a day of fasting on Good Friday. After that, we separated from Alex and her mom and went to get a light bite before we continued our day. Then we began doing the 'heart of Rome' walk according to Rick Steves, who was our personal tour guide throughout much of this trip. We walked all the way to Campo di Fiori which has an open market, then continued to Piazza Novona. Then we found the Pantheon, followed by the Trevi Fountain, and ended at the Spanish Steps. It was quite the walk but it was a beautiful day!
Basilica of St. John Lateran
St. Bartholomew 

Santa Scala Steps

Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss

Piazza Navona

Mom and Dad

Spanish Steps

Trevi Fountain

That night, we met Al and her mom at a restaurant in Trestevere, where Mrs. Steadman's hotel was. It was called La Mani a Pasta. We had been fasting all day so we were starving. We got a bunch of seafood pastas that were delicious and some Prosecco. After that, Al took us to a gelato place near the Pantheon that had over 150 flavors including Basil and Pecorino! I had my favorite: Banana and Coconut.
Al and I at dinner
The next morning my parents met Al and I at her apartment and then we took the metro with Al so she could meet her mom. Then mom and dad and I went off on our own. We started with the church called St. Paul outside the walls, which was another very large, but different looking church. Mom and Dad were also able to attend confession here. 
St. Paul Outside the Walls
After that, we got cappuccinos at a bar and then continued on. We went to St. Peter in Chains where you can actually see Peter's chains that held him captive in the Mamertine prison, and also Michelangelo's sculpture of Moses. We got there just in time at 12:20 because it closed again at 12:30! We didn't know, but alot of churches close from about 12:30-3 in Rome. So after that we walked around some more and stopped at a church near the Repubblica which was a church for Angels and Martyrs which actually used to be connected to the Roman baths. This church was so unique and actually had a zodiac pattern built into the floor. After that, we headed over to the church Santa Maria della Vittoria which is where Bernini's sculpture of the Ecstasy of Saint Theresa. After that, we headed back to my parents hotel to take a nap before the Easter vigil mass.

Nothing could have possibly prepared me for the mass. First of all, it was pouring rain while we tried to figure out how to get into the main square of the vatican. It was literally crazy and sort of a free-for-all. People were jumping (including us) the fence in order to get into the main line in the square. Once we got into the mosh pit that was supposed to be a line, we stayed on the outskirts so we wouldn't get trampled. I'm not being dramatic when I say I was very scared! The only time I had a panic attack was to attend Easter mass and I was with my parents! But I don't want to make it sound like it was a bad experience because it was quite the opposite. Once we got through security and had our seats inside St. Peter's, it was breathtaking. The mass itself was beautiful and seeing the pope process down the aisle was so amazing. What a way to finish off my time in Rome. The mass began at 8:30 and was done around 11:30. We met up with Al and her mom after the mass where we then hailed a cab to take us all back home. Saying bye to my parents was sad but I know I will see them again in no time:) And they were kind enough to let me take some of their leftover Euros off their hands...I wonder what I will do with those????
St. Peter in Chains
Peter's Chains

Michelangelo's Moses
Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

Easter Vigil Mass

St. Peter's after mass

Mom and I inside St. Peter's..we made it!
Anyways, this last paragraph is just a shout out to them: I love you so much Mom and Dad and am so lucky to have you both in my life. Thank you for allowing me to be on this incredible journey in my life and for being a part of it with me these past two weeks. I don't know what I would do without you! I hope you are landing safely home soon. Mom, I'm sure you're happy you don't have to walk in the rain anymore so your hair doesn't look flat. And Dad I hope you enjoy a nice cup of cheetos and a diet mountain dew when you get home! Give Darbs a kiss for me:)

As for everyone else, I hope you all have a blessed Easter with all your families:) Stay tuned...I leave for Barcelona on Thursday! 


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